
Inspire 2023

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About the conference

After 2 years break legendary conference DevSecOps Inspire for DevOps and Security specialists is back to Georgian IT scene.
It will be a 1-day event for 200+ people with the top speakers from Google, TBC, Dynatrace, Aqua Security, Hashicorp, Business Technology University, Nozomi Networks, etc, networking dinner and a lot of pleasant surprises from our sponsors.
HT Solutions will be hosting you at the modern new Axis Tower Building. Perfect place to talk about digital transformation, cloud, security on the brand new complex poised to become a face of Modern Tbilisi.
If you are a CISO, CIO, CTO, Head of Development, Infosec, Cybersecurity, System, DevOps Engineer or a Product Owner, it’s your opportunity to learn modern IT trends and take the lead of digital transformation in your organizations.
The Future is now. Be the leader, not a follower. Save the date and preregister. 

AXIS TOWER. conference Venue

A complex poised to become the face of modern, revitalized Tbilisi. With their exceptional architecture, unique functions, scope, and purpose, AXIS Towers symbolize Georgian success.
AXIS Towers make up a purely Georgian project implemented by Georgian specialists in cooperation with global partners.

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